“The primary function of teachers today is no longer to be the transmitters of knowledge but to serve as agents of social and political change”

C Bradley Thompson:

“Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.—Karl Marx, “Theses on Feuerbach.”

In this new series of essays, I’d like to show you whatis being taught in America’s twenty-first-century government schools and the philosophy behind it. The portrait that I will present here is not a pretty one, but it is the reality. The simple truth of the matter is that America’s government schools are intellectually bankrupt and morally corrupt. To suggest otherwise is either disingenuous or a form of head-in-the-sand-ism.

Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote in Beyond Good and Evil that the strength of a man’s “spirit should be measured according to how much of the ‘truth’” he could bear. I’m asking you to bear a big dose of truth with this essay, the kind of truth that makes you wince and hurt.

Let’s start at the 30,000-foot level, where we can get a birds-eye view of the main philosophic systems that dominate America’s government schools and drive the content of what it being taught in the classroom.

Officially, America’s schools claim to teach no moral values per se. But that claim is contradicted by the fact that they constantly push moral values such as “diversity,” “equity,” “inclusion,” “tolerance,” moral relativism, and egalitarianism. Such “values” are intended to strip children of any standards or principles they may have previously embraced, so that the teachers can replace the sometimes conservative cultural values of the kids’ parents with the political values of today’s postmodern, cultural Left—namely, egalitarianism, multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism, transgenderism, “social justice,” socialism, etc.

The ultimate aim of Critical Gender Theory is to deconstruct the family and replace it with the State as the primary vehicle for educating children. The specific political goal is to create a new class of the “oppressed.” From this new class of victims will come the new revolutionaries who will keep the revolution alive and move it to the next stage of development. This is the ultimate means by which capitalism is to be dismantled and the State is to become the final arbiter of the principle, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”