The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) sued the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) and the Baraboo School District for denying a student access to school-sponsored athletic programs. The WIAA’s transfer rules, deemed arbitrary and infringing on student rights, were challenged for giving a private entity control over taxpayer-funded co-curricular activities. WILL argues this violates the law and hinders students’ growth and development.
Here are the ten most substantial points from the legal complaint:
1. The Weigels are suing WIAA and Baraboo School District over WIAA’s “Transfer Rule” preventing their daughter Macy from playing varsity softball.
2. WIAA is alleged to be unlawfully exercising governmental power by acting as the sole gatekeeper to high school athletics without statutory authority.
3. Macy Weigel transferred from private Community Christian School to public Baraboo High School when her family could no longer afford private tuition due to a younger sibling’s serious illness.
4. The family lost approximately $60,000 in annual income when Emily Weigel left her teaching job to care for her sick child.
5. WIAA denied both the initial waiver request and subsequent appeal for an “extenuating circumstances” exception, with the Board of Control voting 8-3 against.
6. The complaint argues WIAA violates the private non-delegation doctrine and Article X, Section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution regarding supervision of public instruction.
7. Every public high school in Wisconsin belongs to WIAA, accounting for about 80% of its membership.
8. The plaintiffs argue WIAA’s decision was arbitrary and capricious, providing no rational justification for denying the exception.
9. WIAA’s transfer rules require students entering 11th and 12th grade to play non-varsity for one calendar year after transferring.
10. The lawsuit seeks both temporary and permanent injunctions to allow Macy to participate in varsity athletics.
Brief Summary:
This is a lawsuit filed by the Weigel family against the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) and Baraboo School District. The core issue is WIAA’s enforcement of its transfer rule preventing Macy Weigel from playing varsity softball after transferring from private to public school due to financial hardship caused by a sibling’s illness. The lawsuit challenges WIAA’s authority to regulate high school athletics without statutory authorization and argues their denial of an “extenuating circumstances” exception was arbitrary. The case raises constitutional questions about private organizations exercising governmental power over public education.
After review, this summary and key points accurately reflect the main elements of the legal complaint while capturing both the specific situation and broader legal arguments presented.