Construction Grammar

There is a rapidly growing international community of scholars who have been pursuing the Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics approach to linguistic analysis, which has its historical roots in Berkeley and particularly in the work of Charles Fillmore. The purpose of this website is to provide an information resource that will keep track of new developments in constructional research and also promote discussion and collaboration among linguists interested in applying and further extending the constructional approach.

One thought on “Construction Grammar”

  1. I went to their website to find out exactly what this was. Here’s a quote from the 2nd paragraph, main page:
    “It is a constraint-based, generative, non-derivational, mono-stratal grammatical model, committed to incorporating the cognitive and interactional foundations of language.”
    Well that certainly cleared things up.
    The sad thing about this, is that at this very moment there are public school curriculum directors across the state and country going, “humm, this might be what we are looking for….we should test this out on our kids for a couple of years to see if it works…”

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