School vs Wikipedia

Dave Gauer:

Wikipedia may have its internal problems. Maybe it’s too easy to make edits. Maybe it’s too hard to make edits. Maybe they don’t use all of the donation money the way you might want them to. Maybe all of that’s true. Cool, let’s fix that. Keep pressure on Wikipedia. Money can do nasty things to organizations. Don’t let them get all weird like Mozilla where I don’t even know if I support them anymore (though I’m a staunch Firefox supporter and MDN supporter).

But if you ask me to pick the most valuable thing on the Web, my answer for many years has been, without a moment’s hestitation, Wikipedia.

As far as I’m aware, it’s the greatest trove of human knowledge ever assembled outside of the great libraries of the world, and it’s accessible to anyone, anywhere, any time. No advertising. No agenda (or damn near no agenda, I mean, come on – show me a more neutral source for this information).