Since Thursday, “thousands and thousands” (and I mean – thousands) of e-mails have filled the e-mailboxes of Madison School Board members (and probably other members of school boards in Wisconsin). The message reads:

Dear Governor Doyle and Public Instruction Superintendent’s office,
I am very much disappointed that Wisconsin, a state which preaches tolerance and diversity, has public schools which now teach intolerance and anti-diversity. Celebrating a Christmas witch and secularizing “Silent Night” while changing the words to the Christmas carol displays a very narrow-minded approach to education. You have a double standard which allows some religious symbols while banning others. This double standard is not in keeping with this country’s religious freedom. Why not be inclusive and allow both Hanukkah and Christian Christmas songs?
Christmas is recognized as a federal and state holiday. That being the case, it appears illegal for the school board to ban Christian Christmas songs since our federal and state governments recognize Christmas as a holiday. It certainly isn’t a good reflection on your state.
I hope you will act to change this religious bigotry on the part of some schools in Wisconsin.
XXXXXXX (The name of sender)

The person responsible for doing this is very technologically savvy. Each name is different and the comments are for the most part different as well. I don’t know about other board members, but I figured out how to “filter” the messages so their not clogging up my “In-box”, however if Governor Doyle tries to get a hold of me, his message will probably end up in the “trash.” If anyone sees the Governor and he asks about me, tell him to give me a phone call or write me a letter via U.S. mail.
In the spirit of the season and being “politically correct”, have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays and Happy (fill in your holiday) to all!