Citing President Dwight Eisenhower’s concern for the ties between government funding and higher education, Giordano writes that the fear ‘has become a reality.’

Elaine Gunthorpe:

In his recent Fox News op-edCampus ReformHigher Education Fellow Nicholas Giordano discusses the “unholy alliance” forming between government bureaucrats and the academic elites. 

Citing President Dwight Eisenhower’s concern for the ties between government funding and higher education, Giordano writes that the fear “has become a reality.”

“[T]hroughout the country, professors on college campuses have been recruited to develop tools for monitoring and restricting discourse, betraying the values of free speech,” Giordano writes, pointing to an example from Wisconsin.   

“[T]he University of Wisconsin has been awarded a $5 million grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF),” Giordano explains, “to develop a system that can detect and ‘strategically correct’ what the government perceives as misinformation relating to COVID, elections, and vaccines.”

He goes on to elaborate:

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