The Harvard Cheating Scandal Is Stupid

The Last Psychiatrist:

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Harvard University is investigating what it calls an “unprecedented” case of cheating. College officials say around 125 students may have shared answers and plagiarized on a [Introduction To Congress] final exam.

What a scandal that such a thing would happen at Harvard! “Academic integrity issues are a bedrock of the educational mission.” And etc.
Before everyone rushes to their predetermined sides, can we ask why, when there are cheating scandals, they are almost always in introductory classes? When the stakes are lowest?
75% of the students in these kind of courses get As and Bs because of Grade Inflation. I’d put big money down that if I used a crayon to draw an elephant and a donkey I’d get at least a B+ with the margin comment, “Interesting take, could you elaborate?”
And yet the students here felt compelled to cheat. Take a minute away from your self-righteousness and put yourself in their shoes. Did they not think they could get an A on their own? Or…. is “cheating” the only way to create the kind of answer that the professor wants?