Critical Race Theory, teachers, school boards, and parents

Andrea Widburg:

One of the Ground Zeroes for parents pushing back has been Loudoun County in Virginia, which was an early adopter of Critical Race Theory. The first overt evidence of its departure from American values and sanity was its decision to ban Dr. Seuss. Not long after, we learned that current and former teachers within the school district had plotted to attack parents who were opposing them (in case you were wondering where the Iowa teacher got the idea to stage her little Marxist rebellion).

Parents have been pushing back. They’ve been doing so because they believe that, by electing school officials and paying for school salaries, they are the ones in the driver’s seat. At the Loudoun County school board meeting on Tuesday, though, the school board swiftly asserted its dominance by shutting down a public meeting and having attendees arrested. You can see the narrative unfold in these tweets.

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