1 in 4 Sun Prairie High School Seniors Graduate with High Honors!! ???


A school board member shared the following information which was received from a community member, knowing grade inflation is one of SP-EYE’s hot buttons. The contributor wasn’t identified, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a great comparison from 20 years ago to today. If these numbers are valid (and we have absolutely no reason to suspect they are not), they represent cause for alarm.

Class of 2011 Class of 1991
Total Students 485 300
# on Honor Roll 187* (39%) 24 (8%)
* This is reportedly the lowest in the past 7-8 years!
# new NHS members 80 (16%) 14 (4%)

Sun Prairie High School.

One thought on “1 in 4 Sun Prairie High School Seniors Graduate with High Honors!! ???”

  1. SP-EYE is a cute read, but they don’t have all their facts exactly correct either. For example, my kids have taken multiple AP courses in the MMSD and never got a 5.0 instead of a 4.0 for an “A” in an AP class. MMSD uses an unweighted system and clearly states that on the document that accompanies the transcript which is sent to a college. Therefore, I can’t take any other statements these folks blog about as fact either. I did get a laugh out of the lone NMSF awardee (Middleton got 2!)….nice!

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