The foibles of progressive schooling prompt a search for a better alternative

Warren Kozak:

Here’s how my formal education began: On a September morning in 1957, my mother and I walked the block and a half to 53rd Street School on Milwaukee’s northwest side. We went to the school office, she filled out some forms, said goodbye and “see you at lunch.” Here was another Kozak for the Milwaukee Public Schools to educate.
There was, of course, no choice, which made the entire process much simpler. Since we weren’t Catholic, the parochial alternative wasn’t an option, and if there were any private schools in Milwaukee at the time (there was one), I’m sure my parents never considered it.
There was good reason for my parents’ carefree attitude. The public school system in Milwaukee circa 1957 was first-rate. The teachers were committed professionals. The curriculum had not changed appreciably since my parents’ day. They were satisfied with their experience and found the public schools perfectly adequate for their children.

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