4 thoughts on “Other people for new school name”

  1. Well Ed, I guess we all know how you feel about the school’s name! If you’ve read Ruth Robarts post today about remarks to the School Board, you would realize why you have a problem with the name. It is your “deep discomfort and denial” of the Vietnam War! I don’t know Ruth Robarts and don’t want to attack her, personally. Her theory may apply to some people, but I don’t think to many. In reality, there are many parents that are too young to have experienced the war! It’s unfortunate that those of us that don’t want a school given a name that has, such negative connotations(whether deserved or not)have to be the bad guys!

  2. Hey Ed!
    You did not include one woman on your list!
    Surely you can think of a few. I can only think of two schools named after woman in the city so I guess I’m not surprised.

  3. Mary, my son provided this lady’s name for the new school: Imelda Marcos.
    The school nickname could be the Shoemakers, and the logo could be a red stilleto with wings.
    While we’re on the subject, the Vang Pao could nickname could be the Addicts. The logo could be a skull, not with crossed bones, but a hypodermic needle crossed with an M-16.

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