An online game gives glimpse of life as an Uber driver

Kia Kokalitcheva:

A pebble made a small crack in your car’s windshield—do you want to spend $30 to fix it? This is just one of the many questions I had to answers while playing a new short game created by the Financial Times that offers a short simulation of life as an Uber driver. My mission: To make as much money while dealing with a variety of passengers and mishaps.

The bottom line: Designed based on interviews with real Uber drivers, the game offers a good glimpse into the long hours of driving and the complexities of the job, as the FT describes in this story. A full-time driver has to manage expenses, become familiar with traffic and business laws (don’t forget that business license!), and is constantly balancing Uber’s game-like and financial incentives to drive more with sticking to sane and healthy hours.

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