Notes on the University of Wisconsin’s Budget

David Blaska:

Not even cows are sacred in Wisconsin, anymore. They’re being blamed for global climate change and funky ground water. But at least three sacred cows remain: The Packers, deer hunting season, and — among progressives — the University of Wisconsin. 

Dare question UW system spending and you are labeled a poor man south of Richmond. Who can’t sing. And fodder for progressive enemies lists. 

“GOP leaders saw fit to cut yet another $32 million from the system because it supports diversity and equity programs. At least we now know who the real con artists are,” Dave Zweifel condemns at The Capital Times.  Um, teaching that “downplaying white advantage” is racist, as DEI guru Robin DiAngelo instructs, is NOT teaching history, black or white.

Others might credit Wisconsin Republicans for making college more affordable. After all, they did freeze tuition the past 10 years — not that Dane County’s progressive voice would ever divulge.