EDITORIAL: Revolutionize the classroom

Palm Beach Post:

We hope that the Palm Beach County School District gets the $120 million grant it’s seeking from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. But first we need to deal with the infamous “70 percent” number.
In charts and text, the grant application says several times that only 30 percent of the district’s 13,000 teachers are “effective.” Which means that 70 percent must be “ineffective.” Last week, Laura Green of The Post reported those percentages. Of course, teachers have been outraged.
In a “Management Letter” to employees, Superintendent Art Johnson blamed the media. He said it was “unfortunate” that The Post article “left teachers to believe that 70 percent of PBSD teachers are ineffective.” He said that conclusion was based on a statistic in the application “which indicated that only 30 percent of PBSD reading and math teachers taught students who achieved MORE than a year’s growth in the same year.”
Dr. Johnson’s blame-shifting is disingenuous. His explanation of the statistics is not in the Gates application, so Ms. Green could not have reported it based on that document. Rather than blame The Post, Dr. Johnson should have accepted responsibility for the confusion and moved on.
And now, we will move on – to the proposal itself. The remainder of the district’s application contains remarkable candor and worthy goals. It also hints at – but does not nail down – how to achieve those goals. The foundation’s money and a hefty chunk from the district would help provide those specifics.
A big goal is to close racial achievement gaps. The graduation rate for white students is 87 percent, but it’s 20 points lower for Hispanics and 30 points lower for African-Americans – in a majority-minority district.