Madison’s Randall Elementary School gets creative to share music performances during virtual learning

Scott Girard:

When COVID-19 shut down schools in March 2020, the third- and fifth-graders at Randall Elementary School had performed their annual choir concert.

Fourth-graders were not so lucky, and the class didn’t get its performance last year. Music teacher Mark Harrod wanted to make a performance, even if it had to be virtual, a priority for this year’s fifth-grade class.

Just as they were ready to put together a lip sync video project like some of the school’s staff had done last year, Harrod discovered that students could record audio into Seesaw, the application students use for virtual learning, and he could download it as MP3 files. As soon as he figured it out, he decided, “We’re scrapping the lip sync and we’re going to actually sing songs.”

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