Engaging Our Community in Meaningful Public Deliberation: Facilitating Large Scale Dialogue

UW-Madison & Carolyn Lukensmeyer, via a reader’s email:

UW-Madison is pleased to welcome Carolyn Lukensmeyer, founder and President of AmericaSpeaks, to our campus for a unique day-long workshop on Monday, September 24, 2007.
“Engaging Our Community in Meaningful Public Deliberation: Facilitating Large Scale Dialogue” will provide a special opportunity for us to experience Carolyn’s special skills and tools for engaging communities in meaningful, deliberative dialogue.
America Speaks has emerged as a leader in applying technology to the facilitation of large-scale conversations that allow for small-group, intimate, honest dialogue among diverse participants. It has been used in addressing issues such as the future of social security, addressing the needs of Washington, DC, and reconstruction of the World Trade Center site in New York City.

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