Civics: Equal Protection Project Opposes Proposed DEI Amendment to the NY State Constitution
The non-profit Equal Protection Project ( is devoted to opposing racism and racial discrimination in all forms. believes there is no ‘good’ form of racism, and the remedy for racism never is more racism. has undertaken dozens of legal actions seeking to uphold the principle of equal protection of the laws. opposes the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the New York State Constitution because it would embed reverse-discrimination and tenets of Critical Race Theory and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into the NY State Constitution, damaging preexisting antidiscrimination efforts by creating a legal loophole based on the motivation for discrimination.
The NY Equal Rights Amendment currently scheduled to be on the ballot in November 2024 (subject to a pending court procedural challenge), consists of two distinct provisions amending Section 11, Article 1 of the NY State Constitution (Senate Bill S51002, capitalized text are changes from prior law, bold emphasis added):