Is academia becoming a less hospitable place for The Weird Nerd?

Roxandra Teslo:

The above quote from Der Steppenwolf is a good encapsulation of the difficulty faced by The Intellectual, or shall we say, in more modern terms, The Weird Nerd. The Weird Nerd is distinguished by its unyielding devotion to Truth, often placing it above social graces or conventional norms. That’s one of the reasons the nerd is “drowning”, as Hesse put it. This species, while occasionally difficult to interact with, plays a crucial role in society, acting as an innovator and “village truth-teller”. In the last decades, The Weird Nerd has found a sanctuary within the confines of academia, a natural habitat where its traits are not only tolerated but often nurtured. In this symbiotic relationship, the wider world benefits from the intellectual pursuits and discoveries of the Weird Nerd, without the need to engage directly with its often annoying demeanour. It’s a situation that seems to maintain a harmonious balance: the Weird Nerd is protected from “drowning”, while society at large reaps the rewards of its unique contributions without having to deal directly with it.