Civics: Speech and “guardrails – Sulzberger New York Times Edition

Ann Althouse

The unstated corollary: Liberals don’t need to know what motivated this particular individual, because they want the focus to be on restricting access to guns. Keep it simple. Make it hard to debate about the things conservatives want in the public discourse.

Ah! At this point, I realize the NYT has not only refrained from naming the Nashville shooter, it has refrained from using pronouns. It’s “the writings,” not “his writings” or “her writings” or “their writings.” 

The parents of the criminal are named, however. Ronald and Norma Hale come up in the last 2 paragraphs, where we are informed that they have attempted to “to give legal ownership of the writings to the families of the Covenant School students.” The writings are part of the evidence in this case, and I can’t see how they possess any legal — or moral — authority to determine who gets to see the writings of the dead murderer Audrey Hale.
