JAMA network open paper policing misinformation is full of misinformation

Vinay Prasad:

There’s a new paper in Jama Network Open that calls out misinformation spread by Physicians. Of course the key question is what counts as misinformation. Shall we look?

Here are things that the authors consider misinformation:

  1. Claiming that “COVID-19 vaccines were ineffective at preventing COVID-19 spread” is misinformationUnfortunately, covid 19 vaccines were ineffective at preventing spread.  See also: we all got covid anyway and/or escape variants
  2. “Claims that myocarditis was common in children who received the vaccine and that the risks of myocarditis outweighed the risk of vaccination were also unfounded.”Myocarditis does outweigh the benefits of vaccinations for some ages, in men, and some doses. We proved that here.