The wealthy, the powerful families, didn’t send their kids to that war.

Jeffrey Carter:

No, better to do a non-profit and tackle some cause that has no real solution, like food deserts. Or they’d send their kids to get a degree in public policy and then work for a consulting group dreaming up spider web solutions to issues that are better handled by the free market instead of the government. Or better yet, they’d use their networks to make sure their kids got government grants to do research on big important issues that actually were meaningless.

During the Obama and the current Biden administrations, the culture of the military has been deliberately changed. They are focusing on equity, ESG, and all the woke bullshit that destroys everything else. The days of the USAF being the force that you call when you “absolutely positively have to blow things up” have given way to men in skirts and the words we use becoming more important than the chain of command. 

Is it any wonder that the military is short of its recruiting goals by 25%?

If any institution was based on merit, it was the military. President Truman integrated it and it was one of the first places minorities could earn respect and rise. That spirit of merit is changing and giving way to the woke values that destroy anything good in America.

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