Career Recommendations

Hacker News:

I’m looking for some career recommendations, not quite sure what path to go. To me, I’m currently 17 years old and now doing cybersecurity since 3 years. Been doing bug bounty since then, at Got into it randomly when I accidently found a critical vulnerability when I was 14, had prior coding and system knowledge, as I’ve started coding at the age of 10.

I now stopped doing security research for Epic Games, for specific reasons. I’ve reported around 130 valid vulnerabilities in their engine and games (binary exploitation), including remote code execution, netcode vulnerabilities (mostly critical ones affecting the gameserver itself, technically a 0day due to it being the engine).

I’ve been told many times that I am low-balling myself and should get into smart contract or browser security. Please let me know what you think and feel free to ask any questions.