Harvard pays students to support Supreme Court affirmative action protest

J Sellers Hill:

Convening for its weekly general meeting Sunday, the Harvard Undergraduate Association voted to allocate $2,700 toward the Harvard Affirmative Action Coalition to support its demonstrations at the Supreme Court later this month.

The allocation was the first to make use of the Association’s new “HUA Helps” grant program, which was established at the same meeting. HAAC plans to hold demonstrations in support of Harvard’s race-conscious admission policies when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in an anti-affirmative action lawsuit brought against the University later this month.

HUA Co-Presidents LyLena D. Estabine ’24 and Travis Allen Johnson ’24 opened the meeting with updates regarding the Association’s new “Social Life Fund,” which aims to subsidize accessible social events for undergraduates, such as those organized by House Committees.

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