First Book: Sending Pornography to PK-12 Classrooms

The Locke Society:

While many organizations and news outlets were shocked over a reporter saying “someone needs to create porn for children,” the reality is that pornographic/erotic materials are disturbingly already in PK-12 classrooms across the country. First Book is providing CRT/”social justice” books along with books vividly detailing oral sex, anal sex, masturbation, watching/searching for pornography, and more. With a network of over 500,000 teachers, and having a presence in schools in every state across America, First Book is an organization you should know and monitor. Through their partnerships with various organizations, they are able to provide books at extremely reduced prices, and in some cases for free, by having corporate donors, unions, or other organizations provide First Book gift cards to educators.

Some examples of these disturbing books that First Book is possibly sending to your child’s classroom or school library include the following:

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