“Canceling” Math Class in California

Williamson Evers:

The frame­work rec­om­mends eight times that teach­ers use a trou­bling doc­u­ment, “A Path­way to Eq­ui­table Math In­struc­tion: Dis­man­tling Racism in Math­e­mat­ics In­struc­tion.” This man­ual claims that teach­ers ad­dress­ing stu­dents’ mis­takes forth­rightly is a form of white su­premacy. It sets forth in­di­ca­tors of “white su­premacy cul­ture in the math­e­mat­ics class­room,” in­clud­ing a fo­cus on “get­ting the right an­swer,” teach­ing math in a “lin­ear fash­ion,” re­quir­ing stu­dents to “show their work” and grad­ing them on demon­strated knowl­edge of the sub­ject mat­ter. “The con­cept of math­e­mat­ics be­ing purely ob­jec­tive is un­equiv­o­cally false,” the man­ual ex­plains. “Up­hold­ing the idea that there are al­ways right and wrong an­swers per­pet­u­ates ‘ob­jec­tiv­ity.’ ” Ap­par­ently, that’s also racist.