UW-Superior faculty votes ‘no confidence’


“In light of a history of declined enrollment is some classes, (Wachter) put forth a very reasonable and appropriate plan to focus the University’s resources on better aligning to the needs of northern Wisconsin,” UW System President Ray Cross said. “She has maintained a robust program array that closely resembles those of her peer institutions and remains dedicated to the success of her students.”

UW System Board of Regents President John Robert Behling said that the board “has full confidence in Chancellor Wachter and she deserves credit for her leadership. Eliminating or suspending programs with low enrollment can be difficult and controversial, but Chancellor Wachter has made the right decision for the University.”

The Faculty Senate vote came at the end of a week in which the Superior City Council narrowly rejected a resolution calling on university administration and the UW System to rescind the program suspensions, and in which the Douglas County Board passed a resolution to “encourage the UWS administration to put a hold on all suspended major and minor programs until such time that the administration, the faculty and students can meet in accordance with the governance policy in a public forum as it has been done with prior issues.”

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