Trustees need to exert control on UT
The NCAA often comes down hard on athletic programs under the rubric of “lack of institutional control.” It means a university has been asleep at the switch while things damaging to the university were willfully ignored.
The University of Tennessee already had one kerfuffle over its Office for Diversity and Inclusion trying to promote idiotic gender-neutral pronouns. Given the tone deafness of that office, you would think that Chancellor Jimmy Cheek would keep an eye out for any further controversies that might arise. He is chancellor of a public university that needs taxpayer support.
But his Diversity Office put out suggestions that the university community not engage in holiday parties that might be construed as Christmas parties. Even “disguised Christmas parties,” whatever those might be. Lest you think this is about Christians, the memo also suggests no Dreidels, a traditional Jewish Hanukkah game. They also warned against “Secret Santa.” Attacking Santa? Really?