Chinese Christian High School in Alameda Taps Into Growing Demand From China for Access to U.S. Education System

Joel Millman:

Tom Zhou arrived from Beijing three years ago to attend Chinese Christian High School here. The 17-year-old is graduating in June and is set to attend the University of California, Los Angeles in the fall.
In China, “high school is just tests” with no emphasis on personal development, says Mr. Zhou. But at CCHS, “we learn to learn like Americans,” he says.
Going to a U.S. high school and learning to learn like Americans are what increasing numbers of students in China are hoping to do in order to improve their chances of getting into an American college, CCHS says. As an evangelical private high school with experience teaching students from China, CCHS has been taking in more of these overseas students and is starting to refer others to like-minded Christian high schools in the U.S.