Politics in China’s exam system

Eric Fish:

“A fox served fish soup in a flat plate and invited the crane to share it with him ‘equally’. But it turned out the crane couldn’t drink any because of his long beak, and the fox hogged it all. What does this fable tell us?”
If you answered, “The bourgeois declare ‘everyone is equal before the law’, but this form of equality is the essence of capitalism,” congratulations, you’d be one step closer to qualifying for graduate school in China. If not, better luck next year.
Over 1.5 million people sat this year’s National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates (NEEP), China’s equivalent to the Graduate Record Examinations used in the United States. The annual test given each January is the first hurdle most students
must clear before being considered for grad-school admission. The majority of its content differs based on school and major, but 20% of the exam is a politics and philosophy section uniform across the entire nation.