Clark Board of Education Approves 2011-2012 School Budget

Jessica Remo:

A proposed 2011-2012 school budget was approved unanimously by the Board of Education Tuesday night during a public hearing at the Clark Council Chambers. The spending plan would allocate just over $33.2 million, an increase of $225,000 over the previous year. The budget, if approved by voters, will mean a tax hike of three tax points, which translates into approximately $33 for the average taxpayer.
Tax increases to fund schools is nothing new. In 2010, Clark residents saw a $36 rise in their tax bills following a loss of more than $671,000 in state aid. For the 2011-2012 school year, the budget includes $414,448 in funding from the state, an increase of $325,460 over last year’s spending plan. Overall, the budget yields a 0.83 percent increase over the 2010-2011 plan, well below the state-mandated 2 percent cap.
Considering the economic climate and rising costs, Superintendent of Schools Kenneth Knops noted that the school board took on a daunting task — maintaining classroom quality while minimizing tax impact — and largely succeeded.

Clark schools spends $14,896.85 per student. Madison’s most recent 2010-2011 citizen’s budget document indicates total planned spending of $358,791,418, which yields $14,661.90 per student (24,471 students).

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