West Portal immersion program still thriving

Jill Tucker:

It was 1984 when a handful of San Francisco parents embarked on a controversial education experiment to open the first Chinese immersion public school program in the nation.
The idea was to immerse the students in Cantonese from the first day of school, teaching them math, science and other subjects in Chinese and gradually increasing English skills along the way. Success would mean that by the time the children finished elementary school, they would be grade-level literate in both languages.
The pioneering venture, which operates at West Portal Elementary’s kindergarten through fifth grades, was launched as U.S.-China relations were just warming. Today, it has become one of the school district’s shining stars, gaining steady popularity among families and setting an example for similar programs in San Francisco and across the country.
This year, there were 34 spots for incoming kindergarteners and 446 families trying to get one in the first round of applications, according to district officials.

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