K-12 Tax & Spending Climate: Dane County Expects Higher Property Tax Growth

Matthew DeFour:

For only the second time in 13 years, Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk said she won’t be able to hold property tax growth to her self-imposed index.
Coupled with the value of existing Dane County residential property this year dropping $700 million, or 2 percent, that means homeowners may see a higher county property tax increase than usual.
County property tax increases have been relatively low in recent years because of the county’s tremendous growth and Falk’s practice of increasing the property tax levy by the rate of population growth plus inflation. But the index for next year would be based on inflation of 0.75 percent and population growth of 0.44 percent, or 1.19 percent — “the lowest in recent memory,” Falk wrote to the County Board.
If she stuck to the limit, the total tax levy would increase $1.4 million. But next year, Human Services faces $2 million in state cuts and the Sheriff’s Office costs $1 million more just to maintain services.

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