An Interview with Deborah Stephenson: The Write Connection

Michael Shaughnessy:

2) Secondly, who runs “The Write Connection?”
I oversee The Write Connection.
3) What does it try to Accomplish?
In the beginning, the main goal of The Write Connection was to teach students how to write essays. But now, schools are accrediting the program with dramatic gains in their API test scores. Dr. Douglas Reeves, a renowned educational researcher, states, “No matter how the writing variable has been measured, the results are the same: as emphasis on classroom nonfiction writing grows, student achievement improves. We have evidence not only of reading and writing score improvement but of scores in math, science, and social studies improving as well.” Consequently, when schools use the program with fidelity, they have seen a continuous dramatic increase in their state test scores.
4) When you say “enhancing the state mandated curriculum” who exactly does this and how do they go about it?
The Write Connection actually fills a gap in the state mandated language arts curriculum. The writing portion is either unrealistic and or lacking. The Write Connection provides a realistic approach to writing that incorporates the state standards and frameworks while writing in the content areas such as science and social studies. Furthermore, most of the curriculum used in schools still focus on a narrative approach to writing which has proven to be far less effective than non-fiction writing.