Law Enforcement and Crime Control in Madison — The Business Forum

Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Madison Club
11:30 a.m. – Networking
12:00 noon – Lunch & Program
Sponsor: Jennifer Krueger, Murphy Desmond, S.C.
The Madison area, we like to believe, offers many of the advantages of a larger city without the worst trials of big-city life – crime and violence among them. Recently, however, the Madison Police Department has dealt with a series of muggings downtown, melees outside local nightclubs, and increased gang activity. Is the crime rate in Madison keeping pace with the city’s development?
Noble Wray, Chief of the Madison Police Department, will join us in June to give us his assessment of the “climate of crime” in Madison.

Nobel Wray became Chief of Police in 2004 after serving in the Madison Police Department for 20 years. From his start as a patrol officer in the State Street neighborhood, Wray distinguished himself as he advanced through the ranks. Wray is also a familiar figure in Madison, serving on committees and boards of various service and community organizations. He also consults with law enforcement organizations around the country on problem solving and community policing.
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The Business Forum
2810 Crossroads Drive, Suite 3800
Madison, WI 53718-7961