Marj still mum – 10 days and counting

It’s been 10 days since I e-mailed Marj Passman to get clarification on her inaccurate statement on starting teacher salaries and clarification on what she would do to raise those salaries after she cited them as a problem in recruiting teachers to the MMSD during an interview on WORT. Here’s her response:

Thank you Ed for pointing this mistake out to me. I went back to my source and discovered it was dated (another reason not to be depend on internet research). I will post this correction on my web site the first chance I get. Marj

Here’s my response to her:

Marj, Correcting the error on your Web site is good. Thank you. But how will you correct your mistake in the interview with Tony on WORT?
And, would you please answer my questions?
1. What would you do to correct low starting salaries for Madison teacher if you’re elected to the board?
2. Will you vote against any Temporary Impasse Agreement that cedes to the union’s demand to preserve the salary schedule that keeps starting salaries low?
3. In negotiations with the union, will you push for higher salaries for starting teachers? Ed Blume

You’d think that a candidate with years of insider experience would be able to provide some answers.

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