Denver, Boulder schools home to the state’s largest achievement gaps based on race, new data shows; Spend Far Less Than Madison.

Nic Garcia:

The data show wide differences between how different student groups score — for example, gaps separating black and Hispanic students from white students, or students with special needs from other students, or students who qualify for subsidized lunches and those who don’t.

On Monday, state officials quietly posted district- and school-level scores broken by student subgroups for the 2016 and 2017 tests. What took so long? Officials say they had to follow data suppression rules meant to prevent individual students from being identified, and it took time.

During the next few days, we’ll be examining this data — starting today with race and ethnicity-based gaps:

Denver plans to spend $968M during the 2017-2018 school year, or $10,637 per student for about 91,000 students.

Boulder plans to spend $13,372 per student, about 46% less than Madison.

Madison spends about 80% more (!), nearly $20,000 per student.

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