One thought on “Open Enrollment Denied”

  1. I’m at work and can’t access this interview from my computer but I have seen the families’ story on Channel 3 and heard testimony at a previous school board meeting. While I’m sympathetic to the families’ plight, I believe that the concept of race and equity shouldn’t be applied as they are in Milwaukee. Chapter 220 is a Milwaukee based program for High School students to provide racial and ethnic balance. This story gives more credence to the use of vouchers, which I don’t support here in Madison (I do in bigger cities such as Milwaukee, Chicago, Washington DC).
    Did anyone see the piece written by WEAC President Stan Johnson in Sunday’s Wisconsin State Journal? My thought is, “Why doesn’t the Madison Schools have their own virtual program?” I believe using technology is very important and should be used extensively as possible. Currently the district is using programs for increase reading support (READ 180) and for alternative schools. A virtual school could be developed for many students that are being home schooled now. Madison teachers could administer the curriculum and provide accountability. Every child has their own learning style and every parent knows what is best for their children. – The last statement is the challenge of being on the school board.

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