Wisconsin grades as proficient in standardized testing chaos

Alan Borsuk:

The standardized tests a few hundred thousand Wisconsin third- through eighth-graders will take this spring will be the third version of such tests used in three years, each with a different definition of proficiency.

Months overdue, results the Department of Public Instruction released Wednesday did not include data for individual schools or districts or for private schools taking part in the voucher program, a big step backward from past practice.

The state testing picture has been chaotic of late. There seems to be some hope it will settle into a more consistent, maybe even helpful testing routine, starting this spring. But the ups and downs of the last couple of years justify skepticism.

And they justify (at least I think so) some mockery. So here’s my own multiple choice test about Wisconsin testing.

More here.

Wisconsin’s long serving WKCE was often criticized for its low standards.

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