Waunakee nixes athletes swapping gym class for academic credit

Matthew DeFour:

A policy to allow athletes to swap gym credit for another academic credit sailed through the Madison School Board last month, but the Waunakee School Board took the wind out of such a proposal Monday night.
The suburban Dane County school board discussed whether administration should draft a policy, but voted 4-3 against it, Superintendent Randy Guttenberg said.
“The conversation at Monday’s meeting stemmed around the differences in lessons taught in physical education class vs. what is taught in athletic or other activities, on one hand, and the idea of giving students more flexibility to organize their high school courses, on the other,” Guttenberg said in an email.
The topic has generated a lot of letters to the editor raising similar pro and con arguments. The Monroe School District in Green County also recently adopted a policy allowing the gym swap.

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