It Rhymes With ‘Tool’

Liam Goldrick:

Thursday morning in Washington DC — the only city that could host such a vacuous, inane event — the Thomas B. Fordham Institute is hosting (the hopefully one-off) “Education Reform Idol.” The event has nothing to do with recognizing states that get the best results for children or those that have achieved demonstrated results from education policies over time — but simply those that have passed pet reforms over the past year.
It purports to determine which state is the “reformiest” (I kid you not) with the only contenders being Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin and the only judges being: (1) a representative of the pro-privatization Walton (WalMart) Family Foundation; (2) the Walton-funded, public education hater Jeanne Allen; and (3) the “Fox News honorary Juan Williams chair” provided to the out-voted Richard Lee Colvin from Education Sector.

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