Public input sought tonight on $244M Green Bay school budget

Patti Zarling

The Green Bay School Board hopes to hear from the public this evening about a proposed $244.2 million spending plan for this school year.
A proposed 2010-11 budget for the Green Bay School District includes more money for capital improvements but reduces the number of teaching positions and scales back spending on technology.
Those cuts come despite a surplus of $5.8 million from last year.
Under the proposed $244.2 million budget for 2010-11, the district estimates the owner of a home valued at $100,000 would see about a $30 increase in the school portion of their property taxes, said Alan Wagner, assistant superintendent of business and finances.
The equalized property tax rate for school taxes would be $9.70 per $1,000 of equalized land value. That’s up 63 cents — or 6.9 percent — from $9.07 per $1,000 of property value for 2009-10 under the budget proposal.

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