Five secrets to stop the entitlement epidemic

Amy McReady:

Many parents are frustrated these days by a feeling of entitlement by today’s youth. Whether it’s getting almost anything they ask for or expecting everything to be done for them, today’s kids have learned how to get their way and the problem is out of control like a run-away train.
So who’s to blame? It’s easy to point to Hollywood and Madison Avenue, but while they may contribute to the issue, the real problems start at home.
Pampering and overindulging
The biggest culprits of the entitlement epidemic are parents who pamper and overindulge their kids. No parent intends to raise a child who feels the world owes him a living; instead, the problem starts small and continues to fester. A toddler throws a tantrum at the store and her tired, overworked mom buys a toy to keep her happy and quiet. Years later, Dad is eventually worn down by his teenager’s dramatic threat that her “life will come to an end” if she doesn’t get the latest and greatest Smartphone. The “quick fix” does nothing to solve the challenge at hand — it only sets the stage for the next incident.

Amy McReady.

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