‘Virtual schools’ gain popularity in Duluth

Minnesota Public Radio:

With the radio playing softly in the background and munching on spoonfuls of noodles and cheese, Maria Vespa sat at her family’s kitchen counter to take her geography mid-term on a recent afternoon.
The 15-year-old stared intently at her computer screen as test questions popped up. She’d study each for a minute, take another bite of lunch and click on an answer. When she got stumped, she pulled out her notebook.
“That’s one of the great things about online school,” Maria said. “You get to use your notes when you’re taking tests.”
Another great thing about online school: instant grades. A few moments after Maria answered the last test question, her score popped up.
“I got a B,” she said. “I would have loved an A, but a B is still pretty good.”

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