“one-stop-shop’ for information about Wisconsin’s PUBLIC schools”


Here, you can view trends in enrollment, proficiency, and a host of other information.

ACT Score
This is the average composite score in the district for students who took the ACT. The highest possible score is 36.0. With few exceptions, high school juniors in Wisconsin are required to take the ACT. This does not include the ACT Aspire results. Original data can be found here.

Choice Enrollment 
The number of students in the district who participate in one of the state’s parental choice programs. Choice enrollment is attributed to the district where the choice school is located. Original data can be found here.

Chronic Absenteeism
A student is considered chronically absent if they miss more than 10% of the schooldays possible, and have been enrolled for more than 90 days. Lower numbers in our ranking are indicative of lower rates of chronic absenteeism. Original data can be found here

District Proficiency
There are several levels of proficiency in DPI’s data. A child is considered proficient in a subject if they score “proficient” or “advanced” on the state’s Forward exam. A child is considered not proficient if they score “basic” and “below basic” in the subject on the Forward exam. Students who did not take the test are included as “Not Proficient” in the same manner that DPI reports the results. Additional information on how these categories are created is found here.  Original data can be found within the report cards here.

DPI Report Card Rating
The categorical grade assigned to the district from DPI on a five-point scale with the categories: “Fails to Meet Expectations,” “Meets Few Expectations,” “Meets Expectations,” “Exceeds Expectations,” and “Significantly Exceeds Expectations.” Original data can be found here.