Commentary on “Public Education”

Tom Knighton:

Now, the above-linked story goes on to note that homeschoolers tend to do better on standardized tests than their traditionally educated fellows, so that’s just one of the lies we’re seeing.

And make no mistake, there are plenty of lies here.

Take the claim about “lack of exposure to diverse points of view.”

Now, I’m not going to say that every homeschool parent goes out of their way to find all the different points of view and shares them with their kids. What I will say, though, is that kids don’t get diverse points of view in traditional schooling.

What they get is the official party line laid out from the teacher’s unions and woke teachers. 

They don’t hear both sides of a view, they get indoctrinated with leftist dogma. They’re told climate change is an established and uncontroversial fact, despite the fact that climate scientists stillhaven’t gotten a single model right. They’re presented woke propaganda on sex and race as if these are established facts and anyone who takes issue with this are demonized and mocked.

At no point is anyone really exposed to diverse thought.

“But the other students come from a diverse background.”

Oh, that? You mean the fellow students that these kids aren’t allowed to talk to during class and only allowed to interact with during certain times of the day, times that are generally pretty limited and almost never involve anything beyond their favorite forms of entertainment?

Yeah, that’s awful. Especially since kids can get that with a lot more freedom through church groups or at other places where kids might gather such as sports or the park.