Cambridge University Under Fire for Teaching ‘Woke’, Gender-Neutral German

Leslie Eastman:

One language at a time.

As an undergraduate, I studied German as part of the requirements for the science degree. When my son got bored with Spanish in high school, he asked to learn the language, and we spent a year with a fabulous instructor associated with the German Pacific School in San Diego learning “der/die/das.” German has been helpful to both of us during our many adventures in Central Europe.

So, imagine my shock at discovering that one of the most prestigious language schools in the world thought it was a great idea to teach “woke” German.

It aimed to encourage students to speak more “inclusively” and not fall foul of those who may be offended by sex-specific pronouns. But the University of Cambridge’s decision to say Auf Wiedersehen to teaching gendered German has prompted warnings from linguists that students risk making a fool of themselves when talking with native speakers.

..Course managers said they encouraged students and staff to choose newer forms with plural nouns.

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