Public Interest Legal Foundation:

When voters have confidence in the system, they are more likely to participate. Fixing errors, duplications and obsolete registrations will increase confidence in the voting system and we hope clear the last barrier to participation: doubt in the integrity of the process.

Finally, the Foundation is the first to undertake completion of this sort of groundbreaking study. Academics, law professors, and liberal think tanks could have

done this long ago to improve

the system. They did not. They have other priorities. Instead, they have created a cottage industry unfairly trying to discredit those seeking to improve the system. I would invite them to evolve from being part of the problem to part of the solution. It’s time to use your vast war chest to fix things rather than destroy state laws designed to bring integrity and order to

our elections. Instead of trying to impede improvements, urge states to fix the problems we find here.

When we discover that Rashawn Slade of Swissvale, Pennsylvania, has seven active registrations because a third-party voter

drive registered him seven times in the weeks before the 2016 Election (despite it being legal to be registered in duplicate) – do something about that. When we learn that some who died in the 1990s remain active on Detroit’s voter rolls – do something about that. Stop attacking citizens and organizations like the Foundation who find and report these failures. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

I sincerely thank the supporters

of the Public Interest Legal Foundation for helping see this work done and you, the reader, for taking the time to better educate yourself on the strengths and weaknesses of our shared voter registration and election systems.

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