Civics: “massive deep fake prohibition act of 2018”


term ‘deep fake’ means an audiovisual
11 record created or altered in a manner that the
12 record would falsely appear to a reasonable observer
13 to be an authentic record of the actual speech or
14 conduct of an individual; and
15 ‘‘(3) the terms ‘interactive computer service’
16 and ‘information content provider’ have the same
17 meaning given the terms in section 230 of the Com-
18 munications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 230).
19 ‘‘(b)
20 means or
21 22
23 24 25
00:04 Dec 23, 2018
OFFENSE.—It shall be unlawful to, using any facility of interstate or foreign commerce—

Much kore on Deep Fake, here.