The promise and challenge of the age of artificial intelligence
A starting point for addressing the potential disruptive impacts of automation will be to ensure robust economic and productivity growth, which is a prerequisite for job growth and increasing prosperity. Governments will also need to foster business dynamism, since entrepreneurship and more rapid new business formation will not only boost productivity, but also drive job creation. Addressing the issues related to skills, jobs, and wages will require more focused measures. These include:
Evolving education systems and learning for a changed workplace by focusing on STEM skills as well as creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.
Stepping up private- and public-sector investments in human capital, perhaps aided by incentives and credits analogous to those available for R&D investments.
Improving labor market dynamism by supporting better credentialing and matching, as well as enabling diverse forms of work, including the gig economy.
Rethinking incomes by considering and experimenting with programs that would provide not only income for work, but also meaning and dignity.
Rethinking transition support and safety nets for workers affected, by drawing on best practices from around the world and considering new approaches.