Lessig’s Governance Game

Jordan Pearson:

Lawrence, in an op-ed explaining your presidential run , you wrote that democracy is not a utopia. There are concrete antagonisms to address and steps to be taken in order to dig ourselves out of the hole we’re in. Is Seed a game about political utopias, or political fantasies?
LL: I don’t think it’s utopian in any sense. The effort in creating and maintaining communities in Seed is real effort—it’s not a simple gift. But I think we can learn a lot about what sorts of governance structures help people to flourish in these spaces. Maybe that doesn’t translate to the real world, but maybe it does. I think that the opportunity to have this massive experiment in different forms of governance, simultaneous and real, is pushing us in the direction of improving our forms of governance or at least giving us a map of how to improve them. That’s what’s most interesting to me.